Our Beliefs


we believe in Putting Faith into Action

As a progressive church, Church on the Hill holds a set of beliefs that reflect its commitment to inclusivity, social justice, and the ongoing pursuit of knowledge and understanding. Our beliefs are grounded in the teachings of Jesus, but are also informed by modern scholarship, critical thinking, and the lived experiences of our diverse congregation.

We believe that God is love, and that all people are created in God's image and worthy of dignity and respect. We reject any interpretation of scripture or tradition that would justify discrimination or oppression on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other characteristic. We affirm that all people are beloved children of God, and that our diversity is a gift that enriches our community and our understanding of the divine.

We believe that the church has a vital role to play in creating a more just and equitable world.

We believe that the Bible is a complex and multifaceted document, and that it requires careful study and interpretation. We recognize that our own biases and assumptions can shape our interpretation of scripture, and we seek to engage in a dialogue with other perspectives and voices.

Finally, we believe that our worship should inspire and equip us to live out our faith in the world, and that our community should be a place of mutual support, accountability, and growth.