Our Mission


At Church on the Hill, our mission is not just a statement; it's the heartbeat of our congregation and the guiding light of everything we do. Rooted in our deep faith, we are driven by a profound sense of purpose and a commitment to making a positive impact on the world.

Our Core Values

  1. Inclusivity: We embrace diversity and welcome all, regardless of race, gender, age, background, or orientation. Our doors are open to everyone, just as God's love is boundless and unconditional.

  2. Faith in Action: We believe that faith is not just a set of beliefs but a call to action. We actively seek opportunities to live out our faith by serving our community, lending a helping hand, and making a difference in the lives of others.

  3. Spiritual Growth: We provide a nurturing environment for spiritual growth and development. Our church is a place where individuals can deepen their relationship with God, explore their faith, and find the support they need on their spiritual journey.

  4. Compassion: Compassion is at the core of our mission. We strive to be compassionate not only within our congregation but also in our interactions with the broader community. Through acts of kindness and understanding, we aim to make the world a better place.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be a beacon of hope, love, and acceptance in our community and beyond. We aspire to create a world where every individual feels valued, supported, and empowered to live their best life.

Our Commitment

We are committed to:

  • Worship: We gather in worship to celebrate God's presence and seek guidance for our lives.

  • Community: We foster a sense of belonging and connection among our members.

  • Service: We actively engage in service projects and outreach initiatives to address the needs of the less fortunate.

  • Education: We provide opportunities for spiritual growth and personal development through various educational programs.

  • Inclusivity: We work tirelessly to ensure that our church remains a welcoming place for all, where diversity is celebrated.

  • Stewardship: We manage our resources responsibly, ensuring that they are used to fulfill our mission and benefit the community.

Join COTH’s Mission

We invite you to join us on this transformative journey. Whether you're seeking spiritual growth, a sense of belonging, or the opportunity to make a difference, Church on the Hill welcomes you with open arms. Together, we can live out our mission and spread God's love throughout the world. Thank you for being a part of our community and sharing in our vision. To volunteer you can email us at office@churchofboca.org or call at (561) 395-9255.